Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A small shitty edit, my first riding since the operation. Feels good, but not great. My foot herts a bit, so Im taking it easy from now on!

Check out the shitty edit!!

shity edit nr 1 from Felix Mobärg on Vimeo.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wanna skate!

Now It's thursday and I still can't skate... My foot Is progressing to the better, but still not good enough.

But Im still preparing for the season, looking around what I could do this winter. Some comps, some street, some fun shred In The wolga leaders backyard.

Im going to Simon Hjort aka the wolga leaders place this weekend to build the foundation of is shred arena. He has so many idées for the Shred Lab, so we're gonna find out what is possible to do!

Sheck out this backyard session from last spring, super fun!!

fällen bangeeer edit from Johan Karlsson on Vimeo.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Don't have that much to do today, so Im just posting a few pictures from our backyard here in malung. Pipes and corners !

Check it!

Tail bonk back 180 out

Me doing frontside blunt revert and Kalle doing fs boardslide

fs tail 270 off

snow bomb !!

Monday, September 20, 2010

JUst had to

hahahaha, took some more funny looking pictures!

''Im just playin son! You know what Im sayin' ?!''

looking dope, not really my style, but soooo sick......
This isn't how I usually wear my shades or hat. But have to do something when I can't skate or snowboard. I take goofy pictures...


Got a package from Linda ''Guilty'' Fahlström today. Got three new hats from here.
Thanks Linda.

Guilty beneath!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Small ''ishalls'' preview!! Karl anthony in the spotlight!!

Ishalls Preview from Felix Mobärg on Vimeo.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Edit nr 4!

Skate (ep4) is up! fun stuff, because of the lack of different skate features shot with my little digital cam, I've put in some gymnastics in the Intro. It's Olle eriksson, Karl Anthony and MAXI BLACK SMITH .

The true shredders in the edit is Zebbe ''fs disaster'' Landmark, Johannes Skottheim, Anton CARZ, Sven ''Snorgren'' hehe, and the twins Öberg!
Johan Karlsson was riding to, but didn't have anything on the tape with him, He's to laidback that Mr Jonkeen!! Next time!!

Check it;

Skate (ep 4) from Felix Mobärg on Vimeo.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Okey, update time! This weekend I've been to stockholm! I went there to pick up a new board, see Hoffmaestro the greatest swedish Live band right now. Pumped as hell, just the best performance as usuall! Love it!

Then I Picked up a board as I said. A Salomon Sanchez! !54, good stuff.

And I had some good nights out on town with the boys, Felix Remington showed me the way to do it. Thanks for that bro!!

Check the board from Salomon snowboard beneath:

also check a live performance from Hoffmaestro, The storm:

Friday, September 10, 2010


Going to stockholm to get a new salomon shred stick and to meet my mum. Oh yeah me DLT and Felix ENGström are going to se HOFFMAESTRO!! Super fun !
Going to be a rad weekend in ''THE CITY''! hahahahah
Check out the pics from MORA skatepark!
Twin doing bs rock 'n' roll!
Anton Bilare doing 5-0!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Wanna Buy the sickest home made ''true tees'' online!

Check this webb page;

The prize is from 100:- to 200:- ! (SEK)

Best thing ever check it!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Skateboard sess in MORA!

Well well well... HAd the suckiest day... Had to stand out with the thought to take part of a session that I couldn't ride in! I couldn't skate and I felt pretty unhappy!

But I took som pictures that I enjoi to watch... I will post more later!

NIklas mattsson reeady to drop in!!

Johannes Skottheim While popping of the blunt to fakie!!

Tail Stall back revert!

Blunt nosegrab to fakie!

Monday, September 6, 2010

New skate edit!

New skate edit with friends! Check it out! especielly the last banger, super tech...

No but Im pretty pissed that I can't ride, so this is what I do!

And It's not it, It comes more later;

Skate session!! from Felix Mobärg on Vimeo.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Now Im at home just woke up, trying to heal my foot with my not existing magic powers. Doesn't really work for me, but I got to get my foot ready for action in less then 2 weeks otherwise I can call saas fee and say; ''Im sorry, I can't make it, see you next year....''.

I hope my foot just starts to work like normal, like right now!!

Im pretty nervous right now that I wont make it, but I still have faith.

But other good news, ''malungshem'', the guys that run Malung like true mobsters will get us a pipe that we can shred on when the snow arrives. So If I can't go to saas fee I can always ride by the icerink. I'll post a video of us shredding the ice-rink.


Edit from last years ice rink session.

And GEt stoked !

Check this;

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Time for a update! My foot is getting better and better, put still not able to skate or snowboard. But I'll get there!

All I can do is watch mu boys shred the living shit out of that wooden beast! So much fun, sucks that I can't take part!

Check out the pictures pretty good shit hahaha

Sven snorgren rocking a fs tail slide!

Zebbe Landmark looking good in his brand new blue eyes that I hooked him up with!

The dragon slayer himself, Niklas mattsson.. Terrifying I must say... PHFF!

''Oh no he didn't!!'', SEY HE DID hahaha
Anton CARZ, looking good as usual!!