Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Latest New: Bear at Bromma Airport!!

You wouldn't believe it even if you saw it with your own two eyes. A wild bear talking a walk through Bromma Airport!

THIS IS NO JOKE!! Watch out for bears downtown. They look calm and harmless, but they can snap into a dangerous creature at a blink of an eye!

Be carefull out there!

Bromma airport!

Bear making it's way through Bromma Airport!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

New Sponsor

New Sponsor, Smith optics! Stoked on the goggles, the design and everything!

Looking forward to rep em'!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Mini Session

Had a mini session outside my appartment after a good day shred in tandådalen!

Check the pics beneath!

sw Crip Nikke MAttssosb!

Bs Handplant PHLIPPWN!!

Bs Handplant Ferixo ''FELIX''

Friday, December 17, 2010

Pics from tandådalen

Cab 9 nose

back 9 mute

cab 9 mute

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Put some shiet togheter from different edits!

check it

Ihop släng, blandat from Felix Mobärg on Vimeo.

Monday, December 13, 2010

another edit

Funäs shred with me zebbe and Nikke!! Cobra leader, Jonny daredevil made a edit from a couple of laps in Funäsdalen!!

check it!!

Its on tv internet 2.3 from Bakkå röfjälle on Vimeo.


Little edit from WOlga with me simon and Oppe! haha funny shieet!!

One Spot session from WolgaLowArt on Vimeo.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Back in real life!

After a fun weekend with the wolga boys, I can just ''WOOOOOOP, WOOOOP''

five star(*****) rail garden in simon backyard that blew me away, didn't Film that much cause we had to much fun shredding!!

Watch the clip!!

Road trip !! from WOLGALOW on Vimeo.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sick sesssion!

Video from Bo's place!! Sick session on the donkey dick, and to much crazy take downs by oppe and bo!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


learning new tricks! perfetdsccctt oh yeas!

check the popsy tricks,

learning process from Felix Mobärg on Vimeo.

More pictures

More pics from funäsdalen. Now Im going out for a handplant session with niklas!! LAter


back one dub tail!!

bs Tail

fs blunt

fs board

Sunday, December 5, 2010

chill lines

Felix chilling Funäs from Felix Mobärg on Vimeo.


Really good times in Funäsdalen! Great park, good weather and sick action. Only thing is that it was so freakin cold! But whatever...
Now Im back in malung!
Check the pics, and watch out for the edit!!
First pic cab 3 crail, second, back 1 crail!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Still in funäsdalen! Cold as hell, like negative 26 degrees this morning. But still so good!!
The park is well groomed, three jumps in a row, and some rails after that!!
watch out for a edit soon!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Now Im in funösdalen up north, just riding the park. Having fun, jumping! so much fuuuun!
Check the photsREe

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010


After a lunch with my dad at a chinese restaurant, meeting with the guy who performed the surgury on my foot and hanging out with John the man for a while and finally picked up a new set of bindings an boots for me and DLT, Im now on my way back to malung. Or soon anyway, Im waiting for the train to arrive.
It's good here in stockholm, its a shame that I couldn't stay longer. Now when the snow is falling and all!
But I'll got back soon

The central station in stockholm
The new sets of bindings and boots I picked up!!

Day trip to Stockholm

Now Im soon arriving in stockholm, I left malung 05:00 this morning! Now the clock is halv past 10 and Im pretty beat.
Im going there to pick up some hard goods for me and Alex DLT. But the main reason is because I've got to check how my foot is healing after the surgery I did a a couple of months ago.
But I'm not worried, it feels good, and I think everything's good!
and yeah I heard that Stockholm is invaded by snowy clouds that filled up the whole city with white stuff! GREAAAT!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Tandådalen weekend

Now when another weekend in tandådalen has past, I'm so freaking tired. Snowboarding from sunrise til sunset, party from sunset til sunrise.... Ohh damn, haven't slept for 48 hours...
Check the pic, it describes how tired I am! Someone took it when I took a nap in the late hours!
Marcus loves it!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Had a small session with the vinch yesterday, It was lots of fun. Pretty Heavy and flat landning, so it was hard to do land tricks.

Good fun with the boys.

Tomorrow I'm going to tandådalen for the whole weekend, sleep in my tent for at least one night. SICK!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Weekend In Tandådalen!

This weekend it's fun stuff and good shred weekend in Tandådalen!

I don't know where to live yet, but I'll figure that part out later. In case of not finding a solution, I'll just sleep in the tent my dad sent me a few days ago!

It'll be a great weekend!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Back in Malung

Im back home chilling, left Vierli 08:00 this morning and arrived here in malung at 16:00.

It was good i Norway, but it always feels good to be back at home. Tomorrow Im going to shred in Tandådalen. So taking a laid back evening tonight.

Check this pic with the winner of the weekends competition in Vierli:

(Per Iver Grimsrud)

And Also Im proud of my bro NK Mattsson who ended up in 7th place in Winter Jam this weekend:

(Niklas Mattsson)

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Done with the competition! It turned out great, even dough there was windy as hell and that the snow was falling it's went good. I made it to the finals, then In the finals i fell on the last jump.

Anyway, good day, great session, fun times!!!

I will post some photos or something later!

Edit from vierli

Today It's competition day and all of us feel a bit tired from yesterday, I do anyway. So now I'm going to prepare for the comp.

Check this chill shred edit from vierli!!

vierli shreed Felix och Philip from Philip Landmark on Vimeo.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


We're now in Vierli, norway, where they are going to throw down a 3star ttr comp in two days. Tomorrow it's a full day in the slope, warming up for saturdays competition. Or it's more like chill day in the park, more then it is a warm-up day!

Now we're chilling in our mansion, and in a couple of minutes we're going up to the park to watch the run!!


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Chilling in malung, just decided to go over to a comp in vierli norway. That's going to be sick, so fun. It's in vierli and it's a slopestyle comp! Maybe posting some pictures from it late, going there tomorrow.

Warming up here in malung on the pipe, filmed a few tricks before the camera died check it!

No speed, but lots of snow! from Felix Mobärg on Vimeo.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tandådalen gammal!

Found this edit that I was in, It's from one of the first days in tandådalen! Just some side hits, and benni made it dope.. haha

tandadalen thug shred from Benedikt Andrason on Vimeo.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Our weekend...

Okayaya, now I've been spending one suuuper long weekend in tandådalen... I gotta tell you, It feels like I've been there for a week or something.
Day 1 friday: We went there with our moods on top, Me, Sven Thorgren and Niklas Mattsson.
Earlier that same day me and Niklas thought that we could buy a tent and spend the weekend in tandådalen, so we bought one... And stupid as we are, we didn't check if all the pegs were there, the things you use to hold up the tent. So we went there, all three of us, thinking that it was going to be a piece of cake... It wasn't. We ended up sleeping on the cold ground in a small shed.
I didn't sleep that much and hold niklas and sven awake by having nightmares, screaming and shit... Not a good start...
Day 2 Saturday: We woke up at 8 or something and didn't feel like sleeping anymore. Or it was more like, we couldn't sleep anymore. I was freezing so bad. I couldn't feel my feets and It felt like I was in hell, If I'm gonna be honest.
Finaly we found a solution, Sven found a ride home later the same day. Me and Niklas got hooked up with a sweet living at the hotel for the next two nights.
The rest of our stay we had great shred and a awesome time!!
Now I'm home, and glad cause I'm going to sleep in my own bed tonight!
Check the pictures of our tent beneath...
Our fucked up tent, This is where we slept the first night... mmm not to sweet,
I'm not!!!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ferixo vs Jonken

New edit from tandådalen with me and jonken ! Crazy slowmooo action.. jhahja

Jonken VS Ferixo from Johan Karlsson on Vimeo.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


I'm in malung, waiting for the guys to wake up. The reason for me being up on a saturday morning at 8 is because I ate breakfast with my parents that was visiting me this weekend! Feels good to be up, but sucks that I've got to wait for my friends to get their asses out of bed!!!

Come on guys!!

I'm going to shred the pipe I showed in the last post. And tomorrow I'm probably going to Tandådalen to ride the slope!

Pictures coming up from the pipe soon!


Friday, November 5, 2010

Chilling in malung on this set up. My camera is pretty fucked up so you can't really se what's going on. But still!!

check the preview:

later, marthe är bäst!!!! <3333

Small set-up preview from Felix Mobärg on Vimeo.

JOhanna holmstedt


This is fun shit right here!!

FERIXO.BLOGSPOT.COM from Johanna Holmstedt on Vimeo.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Hey I'm In malung now, doing some school and riding some board on the ice rink!
I'm looking forward to the weekend, cause then we're going to tandådalen to do some riding in the slope, They've now got a jump, rails and boxes ready to be shreded to pieces!!

Oh yeah and check this link from last summer. A couple of friends made their way to skåne and my hometown! And we also rode a rail jam in båstad mid summer!

Log on to facebook and check the link!! Later!/video/video.php?v=499280805672

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Back from Gothenburg!!

It's been a looooong weekend full of fun stuff! First we had the pre party and film premiere of the pirates movie, Hooked! All the guys went all in, You could see that on some peeps at the rail jam!
And yeah ofcourse the rail jam was cool, fun mellow set-up! Brand new rails! Good work from all behind this comp, looking forward to next year!! Just wished I had a better day!!
Now It's back to school for a week. Friday I'm going riding in tandådalen, Saturday it's rail jam in Falun, sunday riding in tandådalen again!!
mmm Im soooo mad!!
back 1 up I think!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Still on my way to gothenburg

I'm sitting on the buss to gothenburg, taking some computer time while I've got a couple of hours to kill!

The schedule for the weekend is :

Party and premier tonight, Competition and afterparty tomorrow!! It's going down big time, No JOKE!!

I'll be there in a couple of hours, then I'm meeting up with the boys Zebbe, Johan, Anton, Johannes and more! Can't wait to get there!!

While chilling I'm posting this edit from when me and my class were in Falun jumping into the foam pit they've got there, Check it:

Double session, even handplant flipping!!! from Felix Mobärg on Vimeo.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Gothenburg rail battle update!

Now the set up for gothenburg rail battle is starting to take form. It's looking really goooood!

Check it beneath!

Gothenburg Rail Battle Video blog 01 from Rip Curl Sweden on Vimeo.

Dedicated to Mr GAYLORD!

This one is dedicated to Mitch GAYLORD!! The 4-time olympic medalist that not a single guy in our group ever have heard about even though the had the coolest name!
The guy that could carry him self for hours on a bar, just hanging on for his life. Doing double, triple and quad flips without even sweating!! This man was THE MAN!! ahahahahaha
In the spirit of Mr Gaylord we were chilling in Faluns Gymnastic center. Doing som egymnastics, but I didn't even jump, spin or nothing. I didn't feel it because of my foot, that's it. But the other guys were throwing them self from left to right, single flips, double flips, corked out flips! It's was going down! Pretty big bizz for some of te guys that were taking it as a pretty big deal, That's good for them to find motivation!
Tomorrow I'm going to Gothenburg, I'll update with some pictures!!
Mitch Gaylord himself!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Gothenburg rail battle!!

Now I've booked the train tickets to Gothenburg! The comp is going down Saturday afternoon. It's gonna be of the fucking hook, soo many good riders, Soo many friends!! It can't be nothing less then the best!

I'm arriving at 16.00, the riders meeting and pre party starts att 1800 and then It's party/premiere, they are showing the new pirates movie... Everything looks so sick.

Check out details and read about it at :!/gbgrailbattle


Monday, October 25, 2010

I'm a asshole

I'm a asshole!! Look like shit and talk like someone that have got a banana stuck in their ass..... Not a very pretty sight...

I'm just publishing this shit to remind myself how uncool I am, for real! It's not even funny man!! :S

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Yesterday we were at the ice rink again. We couldn't get anyone to drive us up to the hill, so we made the best of it and played a round of S.N.O.W.

It's just that I didn't find all the clips so I can't show you the whole round. But All you really have to know is that I lost to Niklas, And he got revange from last time we played!! So Now the score is 1-1 in matches.... But I'll get Him nest time you'll see!!!


check the edit!!

Few things.. :D from Felix Mobärg on Vimeo.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Kläppen, first day, mmmmm

today We were in Kläppen. And for the first time this season me and Niklas were shredding on real snow!! Imagine, the first day on snow in sweden, the sun was shining and we didn't brake any bones! It couldn't have turned out better.

Hopefully we'll have just as good of a day tomorrow, and maybe, if we're lucky, a bigger rail!!

check the edit down bellow


Cruzin in Kläppen! First snow!! from Felix Mobärg on Vimeo.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ice rink!

Chilling at the ice rink, tomorrow we're takin it to the slope. Kläppen It is!!
Setting up some boxes and rails! Going to be sick, maybe I'll put up a edit!

check the lazy photos:

something between a Fs Blunt and a frontboard!

Fs something!! Blunt a bit crooked, looking smooth! Niklas mattsson!

fs nosepress backside nollie out!! Me

Lazy frontboard! Sven thorgren


Here's a little bit of Bullshit from malung. We were suppose to do a snowboard edit, but the negative temperatures caused the camera to fuck up! So you can't really see what we're doing... Anyway Check this shit!!

Bullcrap in malung from Felix Mobärg on Vimeo.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Skate edit!!

New fun skate edit with Me, Johan Karlsson and ABBE Hjellström! The crazy teacher in the edit is Anna Martinsson !

Haha I think It's pretty funny and I hope you do!


Skate stuff in malung from Felix Mobärg on Vimeo.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Soon Im there!

Soon Im back in malung. I hope the guys are up for some skateboarding, cause Im pretty pumped right now. Been checking some SkateMaffia edits and the berrics on the train, gonna be sick to get to the final destination. Sucks to sit on the train. But I've got company in Isak Björsntröm dough. So I can't say that it's super suckish... :D haha
get ready for a more fun looking skate edit soon!
Me and Mr Isak from the cold country of Iceland, chilling big time i malung!


Now I've published my 200# post on this blog, or This is my 201# post. But you get the deal.

I just wanna get one thing cleared out. I know It's not a lot of people that is reading my blog, and that's okey. Yeah shure, it would be fun to have a bit for readers, but basicly I just wright cause I think it's fun.
I thinks it's fun to publish my small edits of my friends and me, for them and myself to watch in the future. To look back on what we've been doing the past few years. It's like an archive that you can look through if you like.

From now I will stop trying to get everyones attention toward this blog, for you guys who like to read and watch the clips. Keep on loving!!


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

Hjalmar's small doodle!! Payback hater!!
This isn't a joke! It's hjalmar söderling a not so pretty sunday morning!!

Last night is a blank paper... dosn't have that much to say about it...
I'll publish one pic som last night and two fun pics from my cellphone!!
check it:

Philip Lindestråhle doing something!! haha blank paper as I said...
Helsingborg, beautiful!!
Hahahahahaha, And a fun pics, Niklas Mattsson with his awesome haircut!!!