Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Saas Fee: day 1

Chillax Time!!


Blue Bird!

Today we woke up with the sun shining in through the window! It was bluebird all day, and the mood was on top!
Everybody was feeling shaky because it was the first time on snow for this season!
But in the end everybody got their shiet togheter and had a real good first day
Did some threes, fives and sevens.

Tomorrow we'll probably go a bit bigger then today!
be ready for more updates!


Monday, September 28, 2009

Arlanda! Jumbo Hostel!

Once again I'm at Arlanda and Jumbo Hostel! The reason is that we had to spend the night at Arlanda because we are leaving on a plane early morning, and we wouldn't make it in time if we started our traveling tomorrow morning!

But now I'm going to take a couple of well deserved hours if sleep, and tomorrow at 6 o'clock I'm leaving the country,
And I'll get back the 29th of october!

Be ready for photo updates from Saas fee!


Sunday, September 27, 2009


On tuesday it's of to saas fee. Our plane leaves arlanda/stockholm at 8.25 in the morning, And we can expect to be shreding on wednesday! I can't wait! One month of pure fun!

I'm going to post pictures from saas fee every day! So you should chech it out!


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Okey, now I'm sitting at home, and I thought I could go through the pictures we took at yesterdays skate session. But when I looked through them I realized that we didn't have one decent picture:D haha, but I got these three photos we're you can see what is going on, but not much more... But we had fun, and that was the main goal for the session, to have fun!:D

Going out snowboarding Later, it's going to be madness, look out for new pictures!!:D:D


Me doing powerslide!

Maxi smith dropping blind from the bank to the flat !

Hippie jumping, just having fun!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Today nothing been going on really, except for school. I've been just sitting at home watching snowboard movies: Cool story by think thank, and Videograss and doing some homeworks.
Got some photos from yesterday, but that's about it!
Going skating now I think, Will post some photos from that later probably!


Hannes Karlsson! More photos coming up later:):)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Going back To Malung!

Calle on his home made Skimboard!
We make our skimboards ourself!

Calle and myself!

Slashin' !!

But Calle didn't enjoyed that I slashed him in the face!

Calle Droppin' in!

Oliver, Filip and calle!


Slash in the face!

Filip droppin' in!

Me doing Hippie Jump!

Oliver getting Low!

Oliver droppin' in!

Calle doing Pole jam!

Pole Jam!

Jakob going under the bar!

Filip going under the bar!

Me hippie jumping over the bar!
Hippie Jump = The board is going under, and you are jumping over!

Today I'm going back to malung, Dalarna. It has been nice to be home for a few days and relax.
But tomorrow it's back to school, and next week we're going to saas fee! It's going to be great, I'm looking forward to strap on my snowboard and take som laps in the park and pipe.
But first I got to go to school for one week.
I posted some pictures of me and some friends, Jakob, Calle, Oliver, Filip and Johan went skimboarding. It's when you slide on the thin water that is left after a wave rolled over the beach. It's hard to explain, and easier to show. Watch the pictures! enjoy!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Home Sweet Home!

Home sweet home! I love to just chill at home, watch tv and sleep. No pressure at all, you don't have do to anything. You have to have some of these days, you won't make it if you don't.
But I have done something today. Me and my little sister Tilda went out in our garden and took som pictures. Pictures that I think is really nice, I get this good summer feeling when I look at these photos. And compared to Malung it is like summer !

Check out the photos beneath, It's worth it!



Now I've arrived at Sperlinge vägen 17 in Helsingborg, that is my home adress. My mum picked me up at the airport in Ängelholm around 9 o'clock this morning. Haven't seen her in a while, so it was fun! Now I've been home about one hour and 30 minutes, and I'm just resting in the sofa, watching tv. It's really nice to be home, and just relax and take it easy for a couple of days.
Here are some pictures from the Hostel in bright day light!


Friday, September 18, 2009

Going Home!

Roast på Berns!

The Jumbo Hostel

Dinner at McDonalds of course, mmmmm!

Yes! I'm on my way home. I began my trip to Helsingborg in Malung at 17:15, Now it's 23:23 and I'm still not home. I Have to spend the night at Hostel near by Arlanda called ''Jumbo
Hostell''. It is called ''Jumbo Hostel'' cause it's a big Jumbo Jet that they have retired.
It's really cool, cause it's so F*ckin' big! It's a fun experience to spend a night in a aeroplane, never done it before, good experience for shure.
Now I'm sitting in my room and watching an old episode from ''Roast på Berns'' on channel 5, while I'm writing this post.
I took some pictures of the aeroplane, but tomorrow I will take some pictures in day light so you can really see how big it is.

Now I'm going to sleep,


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Another day in malung!

Well guys, tomorrow I'll leave Malung/Dalarna for the weekend, I'm going home to Helsingborg.
It will be fun to go home and hang out with some friends if they aren't to busy, and meet my parents will be awesome! I'm excited!:D

Today we have been doing some shreding by the ice hockey rink. It turned out allright I think. If you don't have to big expectations going in to a situation, I think you have more fun enjoying small things! And we definitely enjoyed it!

Look for yourself!

soundtrack of the day:

Nneka - Africans :

Alex DLT(De la Torre)!

Felix MobÄrg



Felix MobÄrg

Felix MobÄrg


Felix MobÄrg

Felix MobÄrg

After shred in front of the tv! Felix MobÄrg

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Today It was so called ''nollning'' for the new guys in the Freeride class. It was madness, people were going wild, puking, screaming, drinking getting naked! It was crazy! They were definitely on the wild side!

And I documented everything in pictures! watch and enjoy!!

Crazy danish dude! also called Lugi!

My new room mate David! He doesn't look pleased xD haha

David, Lugi and the rest of the class!:D

mmmm, not good! I think they peed in the bucket before they had to put their heads in there!:D haha

And they had to do some nasty shots as well!

I do think it tasts as bad as it looks!
Most of them puked when doing this shot, Nooot good!

Isak Gidlund with his random faces!

They had to drink some beer as well! xD
A couple of them ended upp throwing everything up in the end, but it's all good!

Malin and Therese!

The whole lot!


getting undressed!

It was a huge crowd that wanted to watch the show!

Maxi Smith!


That was all, Laters!