Monday, August 31, 2009


Today I've been to school from 9 to 5. Not fun, but rewarding, I'm learning new stuff every day!:D After school we had training, and for me it didn't go as planned, I twisted my ancle and had to leave the practise without burning thighs, not good if you want strong legs...

Now I'm going to grab something to eat and watch a movie or something. Layback day for shure, and it's all good. You can't go full speed every day.

Here are some surf pics from Stadtlandet, Norway. Mellow waves and good fun.
Be ready for more updates later.

Pontus, Our snowboard coach!

Johan Karlsson!
The Whole crew!

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Today haven't been the best of days for me. The first snowboard session startet out with me getting mad cause I couldn't stick a singel trick that I was pleased with, and the same session of course ended when I busted my eyebrow open, no stitches, and I'm fine thank you.
After that me, Alex, Niklas and I-sucK/Isak went to the pool, did some training and chilling in the sauna.
By then we were prepared for another session in the backyard. This started out better then session one, but ended worse. I broke my board, and cracked my steel edge.
Pretty disappointed, but the weather was good though, always something!:D haha

check out the pictures bellow! laters!

Cracked steel edge!

Me tail blocking with a broken board! photo cred: Philip Landmark!!

Niklas mattsson double flip from norway!

Friday, August 28, 2009



Another sick day in malung. Woke up early morning and looked out through the window, I got surprised by the skiers that had built a summer shred set up! After a couple of hours of good riding and fun it starts to poor down, the fun stoped there. Tomorrow we are probably going to continue the fun if the weather allows. Will update you with with more pics later. And the surf pics from norway will pop up some day next week when I get my hands on the pictures!

peace with all of you, and check out the pictures bellow! laters

Niklas Mattsson
Johan Karlsson

Thursday, August 27, 2009


I'm back!

Just got home from paradise, and Paradise is spelled stadlandet, located on the west coast of Norway. I'm so stoked when I go through the week in my head, cause even if I got a bit sick at the end, I had so much fun! Fun surf, fun crew to hang out with and good weather, couldn't be better.

Right now I'm at my neighbors place, writing this post and All Isak(my neighbor) is whining about is his incident with a huge/scary jellyfish that burned him in the face, but personaly I don't think It was either big or scary, and I don't think he got burned either, He just wanted us to pity him so that he could get away with the dishes... but that's just what I think:D haha

now I'm going to watch a movie with some dudes!

peace with all of you, and check out pictures from the trip and Isaks version of the incident with the jellyfish!


Isak version:

So here is the deal, I was floating on my board in peacefull unknowledge of what kind of monsters that where hiding under the surface. A wave filled up the sky behind me and I got all fired up, lost my concentration and as a consequens my board dived straight into the water and I didn't have any choice but to follow it's suicidal course. A huuuuuuuuuge ass Jellyfish decided to introduce it's bottom side to my face, I can't say i'm very fond of those puke-red blobby things and my disliking became absolute after this burning rape.

Btw I think Michael Jacksson is ALIIIIIWEEEEEE //Isak Gidlund Riabacke

Bob Dylan - Bob Dylan's dream : //Felix!


Niklas Mattsson



Sunday, August 23, 2009

ouhhh! phff!

Well, well... Today is going to be a calm day, I feel it in my bones. I'm more tired then I probably ever been. Maybe I'll go skate later, may the force be with me, if not, then I will probably go back to bed again:D haha

I thought I would post the only decent picture I found from yesterdays skate, I pulled a muscle so I couldn't skate properly. But Niklas got a decent shot, even if he isn't 100% satisfied, It was the best we did got.

Here it is:

peace with all of you, and tomorrow I'll go to norway, will post some shots next week for shure.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Relaxing! chillaxing and everything!!

Tonight has been kind of layback. Haven't been going wild exactly!
Me and philip had big plans for the night, but it didn't work out sad enough...
Now I am at a lady friends place, writing this post, listening to some music.

The Kooks - She moves in her own way

A good song, you should check it out. I'll post a link for you in the bottom.
Anyway, now I'm going to bed, hopefully with my ''lady friend'' haha! just kidding.
Tomorrow I will just do some laundry and prepare myself for monday, because we are going to norway to do some wave surfing, as I think I wrote in the last post it will be cold, really cold, so I will probably take some extra sweaters with me.

Here is the link to the song:

Today we also skated a bit, so I'll post something from that tomorrow maybe.

Peace with all of you, and check out the blog tomorrow for new updates

Friday, August 21, 2009


Today the class, with me included, were in Falun. The mission was to do some gymnastics and jump into a foam pit from a trampoline, try to get down some double corks and double flips, It went allright. I think everyone got at least one double down. A good days work, I think we will see some double flips this season for shure! as Keir Dillon said, and I quote: ''you can't win a pipe comp without a double cork!'', and I think he speaks to the guys that compete with the pros. But still, sooner or later all kids will get it down, so if you want to compete at a high level in pipe, get the doubles down in your trick book.

But enough of doubles. Now It's weekend, the time for late hours and sleeping in. Tomorrow it's saturday and on monday we will go surfing on the norwegian coast, and even better, a bird whispered in my ear that the waves will be good too. I thinks It will be a fun week/weekend.

Peace with all of you, and I will update you with pics from Norway!

Fakie heel flip, by Myself

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Today has just been one of those mellow days, we have had school all day pretty much. Before school we had training in the pool, we did some jumping of the diving board. And after school we went to the gym. But it felt like the time in that classroom stod still, every minute feels like an hour and every hour felt like a day.
But it will get better I hope!

Now I'm going to bed, and tomorrow we're going to Falun where we are going to do some gymnastics and trampolining. Practise some double corks maybe, I don't know.

Peace with all of you, and be ready for the daily update! later

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Once up on a time there was a group of friends. They were living life as everyone should, enjoying every minute of it. The story I'm about to tell you is about this group of friends, and this extraordinary day.

The story beggins a sunny afternoon in August when the the group of friends decided to take their skateboards and try them out. They were very excited, and were having lots of fun with their boards. If I didn't tell you that the sun was shining before, then I do now, cause the weather were definatly on the boys side. They couldn't be happier, they were getting the tricks they wanted, and everything was just great, just like in one of those fairye tales.

And just like in those fairy tales the fun had to end somewhere. They were getting tired and the sun was about to set, so they went home and were about to live happily ever after!

But this is not the end for the group of boys cause they have the priviledge to continue the fun the next day, the day after that and every other day!

What is so special about these boys then? I think that It's basicly that they have this much fun with the small things in life! That a piece of wood and four wheels can be this fun if you want it to be!

Pretty heavy right?:D

anyway, peace with all of you and check out the picture bellow, will share more footage in the next post! stay tuned!:D

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

ordinary and standard, but great fun!:)

Today I don't have the strength to write a long post. But I can just briefly go through my day.
I didn't woke up before 10, then I went skating with my friends Johan and Niklas for one hour or two. It went well, just well.
Then it was time for training, and this time it was trampoline time((time x3!!)) It was good fun actually, to get some airtime and get some dinstance from the ground for a change.
So that was fun, and after that it was time for some jumping, rolling and running practice. You know like jumping over hedges and stuff. Not as fun, but it helps us to get fit for the snowboard season, so that's really good!:)

Now I've just been watching a movie and right now I'm going to bed. Check the blog for more updates later!
peace with all of you, and sleep tight!

Monday, August 17, 2009

New experiences! All day, every day!

Today was a pretty fun day! Woke up at 09.00 or something, ate my breakfast and Today it was chicken soup on the meny. But thats' not the fun part, even if it was a pretty different experience to eat hot soup in the early morning. No, the fun but a bit scary experience was after all school stuff and training.

Some guys had borrowed a key to the gym, and some boxing gloves. So what we did was, I think exactly what you first thought about when you read ''boxing gloves''. We fought each other one on one. And I can tell you that no one was holding back, it was going down and it was going down hard. Or maybe I should say that I was going down hard, I really got my ass kicked!
No one got any major injuries, so it's all good. It was a fun experience, but I probably won't do it again, cause it really does hurt!

Today I'm going to share a fun clip from when I was in La Clusaz, France, Last season.

Peace with all of you, and I hope you enjoy this samll thing from me to you. Later

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Tonight it was poker night! I startet out hot and was a bit cocky, but it came back on me fast, as it turned out to be a bad night for me. I didn't Leave the table first, but pretty close.
I was to embarrassed to stay put and watch it to the end, so I don't know who won in the end. But what I do know is that it wasn't me or Johan Karlsson, Johan got last if you didn't get that. :):)
Tomorrow is my first day in school since last term, and we, my class mates and I will start the day with training 10:30 in the morning. Not the first thing I would think of if I was forced to imagine the perfect way to start the day. But it's all good, if I want to go big this season, I got to keep my body in shape.
So tomorrow I will drink some milk, eat my breakfast and then take it as a man.
Cause I really want to go big this season.
In other words: A man got to do what a man got to do!!
But also remember: Go big, or don't! You will have loads of fun anyway!
With those words I end this post, and I do hope that you will keep reading my blog.
Peace with all of you, and I'll see you later!:):)
left to right: Johan, Isak, anton an philip hiding in the corner:):)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

MHIC = Malung Here I Come!

Hej guys!

another uptade from meee!:D Today I'm writing from Arlanda Airport in Stockholm.
The reason for me being at the airport, is because I'm moving back up to Dalarna and malung.
I'm pretty excited, cause when I left Skåne/Helsingborg it was rainy, and here in Stockholm the sun is shining. So I'm hoping for sun in Malung too.

I left skåne/helsingborg early morning. My flight left the airport at 09.25am/09.25, and I will be in malung, close to 07.00pm/19.00 tonight. It takes a while for me to get from A to B in other terms.
But it's all worth it. It's sad to leave home, but then again I got great friends in my new home town, and I can do what I allways dreamed about doing: Snowboard all season long!

Now I'm going to grab some snacks and listen to some great music and then get my ass to Malung/sälen, capital of awesome times and shred!

Peace with all of you, and remember: don't eat yellow snow !

(And trust when I'm saying, green snow isn't any better!)


Me typing some words while I'm telling the camera to peace out!

Arlanda airport!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

hate rain!

Okej, this is the situation... I AM BORED!
Second day in a row that it has been raining.. not fun at all. If it dosen't turn to sun soon, I will probably be bored to death:D haha

I want to skate and sleep in the sun, not sitt inside and sleep on the living room floor..

But out of the bad it always come something good. I found a snowboard edit with me and a dear friend. It was hidden deep in the system of my computer. I changed it up a bit and switched song. Now i think it's worth sharing with you:):)

Peace with all of you, and enjoy my small little edit from last season!

5 minutes later the lord answers my prayers, and the sun apears!:D


ofcourse I start to jump up and down like crazY!:D


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Not feeling Well


Today I don't feel well, it could have something to do with our skatesession that went on for 6 hours, but I'm not a doctor.
Anyway, I'm laying infront of the tv, and at the same time I'm surfing the WorldWide, Wave/web? Whatever you like to call it..(the internet)

I found a fun page where you can look through next years snowboard gear:

you can also visit:

Here you can also look at next seasons gear.

Peace with all of you, and Now I'm going to take a nap.


mini shred in malung, sweden

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Hola folks!

Today it has just been a great day. Startet out by waking up with the sun lighting up my room.
Then I Went down to the kitchen and made myself some breakfast.
After that I thought to myself that it's a perfect day to test drive my mums car. Went for a drive and almost crashed into a car passing by, got a little scare, but I survived obviously.
Then I texted a friend, asking what was going on?
A few minutes later he answerd: It's time!
and I texted back: What time?

So that's what I've been doing today. Breakfast, driving, texting a friend and skating.
And now here I'm Writing about it. Pretty bussy day... haha, or not.
But it has definetly been a fun day, and life is still good!.Now I'm going to grab something to eat, then find out what the night has to offer me:):)

Peace with all of you, And be ready to check out new updates later this week!!

And here are some vids from today! probably sickest view ever! right by the sea!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Hallo duE!:D

Hello everybody that have the power to check out my blog:D Thumbs up for you!
I know this is not the most interesting blog to read at the time, but this is just the beginning of something bigger and far more interesting!
If you just hang in there I will have lots of subjects and adventures to write about, so that you later can read about it of course!

My idea with this post was basicly to explain what I'm trying to do with my blog, what I will write about and what my idea was.
As you hopefully know by now this blog is about me, myself and I. But lets not forget the people around me, the people I meet every day, the people I call friends. This is the people that you're going to read about as well. Cause it's the people around me that make my life interesting.

And you're going to read about snowboarding, skateboarding and other things with board in it.
Because a big part of my life is the lifestyle of a snowboarder, I shred/ride/tumble on my board all winter, from the first snowfall untill spring when the snow melts, then I start to ride a board with wheels, also called skateboard. So don't be surprised if a snowboard movie or a skateboard picture appears on my blog, cause that's just a sign that I have been having loads of fun and that I want to share my fun with you(everyone that reads my blog)
I hope everything is totally clear, and that you will check out my blog every now and then.

peace with everyone, and don't be afraid to comment!!

Ohh! I almost forgot.. I promised to say HI from Johanna BAAckckc!
so.. HI!:D // johanna xD



Sunday, August 9, 2009



Today it was skate on the schedule. As always it was, Funfunfun! Good times in the sun, on a skatespot by the beach!

I couldn't be more pleased with the situation. We had a little session going, until I screwed up my ankle. A small miss fortune, but not a major injury or anything.

But here I am, still smiling looking back on a good day! Happy days! good life!

Chuck berry:

Alexander Wadelius(my partner in crime!)


Pretty ridiculous, It's 25 degrees outside and I'm sitting inside and checking out snowboard teasers. I can't wait for the snow to fall...

A example from videograss:

I'm addicted! xD but whatever, It's the must fun you can have, ever. So I think it's a good addiction!

I been trying to not think about it by doing something else.

and this is it:

(a couple of weeks ago)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

My first post!

Pretty awesome! This is my first post, on my first blog!

I will celebrate this with an edit from the last 3days of my season...

This is it: